Software for Selecting and Mixing Paint
The application is designed to assist paint shop staff in the process of selecting and mixing paint to get the desired color and quality. It provides shop owners with a tool that helps to choose the required hue and texture of paint for every customer. The data is sent to the tinting machine, which mixes the selected colorants in the required proportion to the color base to get the desired kind of paint. Apart from that, the system also offers preset recipes for certain shades. The application can store information on customers as well as the recipes of paints they have purchased. If a customer ever needs paint of the same color, it can be easily mixed using the recipe saved in the database under their name.
The customer
The customer is one of the leading producers and suppliers of paints and coatings. The company wanted to enhance the customer service by providing the revolutionary solution for selecting and mixing colors. The solution should help shop owners satisfy customers’ needs by selling them Jotun paints of a required color. Software should allow one to look through the possible colors for different paint products in different ways, help to choose the desired color, and control the tinting machine during the process of paint creation.
The need
The application should assist paint shop staff in the process of selecting and mixing paint to get the desired color and quality. It should provide shop owners with a tool that will help to choose the required hue and texture of paint for every customer.
The challenges
The main challenge was to implement the user interface created by third-party designers. Jotun hired a team of designers who had created a sophisticated user interface that reflected the look and feel of each button and each feature. The team had to work according to the UI designers’ sketches.
The solution
To meet the customer’s requirements on information protection, we made it possible to protect any confidential records in the database using symmetrical cyphers like AES-256 and 3DES. The team found a solution for creating a custom UI. Altoros used the Windows Presentation Foundation technology, which is a graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications. The technology uses computer hardware to create graphics and enables to easily create custom user interfaces of any complexity.
The outcome
The application enables to select and mix the paint of the needed color and quality. The application provides shop owners with a tool to select the needed color of paint for a customer, set the quality and material of the paint, and choose the recipe for making this particular color. The application sends this information to the tinting machine, which mixes colors to produce the paint. It adds the necessary colorants in the required proportion to the color base. The application also enables to store information about customers and recipes of paints they have ever purchased. If the customer needs the paint of the same color, he or she will easily obtain exactly the same paint mixed according to the recipe that was saved for that particular customer in the database. The application allowed Jotun to greatly improve the customer service. The solution has helped the company receive new orders and get much more regular customers.
Technology stack
Server platform
Programming languages
.NET Framework 4.0, WPF
SQL Server 2008 Compact
Client Platform/Application Server
Windows XP, Windows 7
Database Design Tool
Microsoft Visio
Development Environment
Visual Studio 2010
Contact us

Jan-Terje Nordlien
Daglig leder 21 92 93 00Altoros Norge AS 894 684 992
Tordenskiolds gate 2,
0160 Oslo